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9-11 Inside Job and Neocons Hacked 2004


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1. Bush Legacy

The following article is one person's summary of George Bush's failures in his first term.



The Hull-Richter Family



By Natasha (age 13)

Remember the Reichstag

A long time ago in a country far, far away, a rising dictator managed to use a national tragedy as an excuse (1) to round up thousands of suspected terrorists, imprisoning or deporting them,  (2) to push through anti-terrorism legislation, (3) to solidify his power and gain popularity, making dissent unpatriotic, (4) to round up and imprison citizens without the right of trial, (5) later, to use his new-found powers to go to war and invade helpless countries for false reasons and take their resources and  (6) to kill a great many of his countries soldiers in these wars and a great many innocent civilians, both in his country and around the world.

For decades a stigma or cloud has hung over the German people.  Although Hitler is gone, the world remembers and still questions what kind of people could have sat still and just let it happen.  You see Hitler did what mad, power-hungry leaders are supposed to do.  He used every means possible to gain more power, even though it meant the loss of liberty and life.  This was his role in life.  Although the German people were told that they needed to stay the course for security because the enemy was out there, something inside of them should have told them it was wrong or that they needed to change leaders.  Some were simply being patriotic or ignorant.  But wasn’t there a duty on their part to learn the truth?  Wasn’t there a duty to change the course to save their families and innocent people around the world? Though some blame Hitler, a great many more blame the German people of the thirties and forties for not doing what was in the interests of their immediate families, their country and their Earthly family.

Three of my paternal great-grandparents were killed in the Nazi death camps. My paternal grandparents left and became American citizens.  But my grandfather went back as part of U.S. military intelligence.  When my grandfather went back with Germany ’s enemy, he was being more patriotic to Germany than any of the people who stayed and who allowed their country to become a vile and hated thing.  Because of people like my grandfather (and not because of Hitler’s followers), Germany is now a country its current citizens can be proud of.    As for my great-grandparents, Hitler could not have killed them without the willing acquiescence of all those people who didn’t want to risk terrorism from the enemy, who didn’t want to learn the truth about what was happening in their own country, who didn’t want to change horses in the middle of a crisis, and who didn’t trust a different leader to keep them safe.

Today, America is at a crossroads.  How will my generation, when it finally wakes up and learns the truth (and it certainly will), feel about the adults of today?  How will tomorrow’s children think about the Americans of today?

Arsenic and Cyanide in our Drinking Water

What kind of leader signs an executive order raising the allowable levels of arsenic and cyanide in the drinking water?  George W. Bush did just this in his early days in order to help his gold mining friends, who were responsible for the increased levels of these and other toxins.  You see, before leaving office George H. W. Bush sold a U.S.-owned gold mine at below bargain basement prices to Barrick Gold Mining.  After leaving office, he was (surprise, surprise) placed on the board of that company.  And why should the Bush family investment have had to do its own clean-up, right?    Cleaning that stuff out of kids or burying them is what doctors and morticians are for, right?

Mercury in the Fish and People

Currently in 29 states, thanks to the Bush administration’s relaxed environmental standards, the mercury levels in fish are so high that local fish is extremely dangerous to eat.   That doesn’t mean the fish is safe elsewhere or anywhere in the country.  A great many Americans (including expectant mothers) have horrendous levels of mercury in their body and don’t know it unless they have it checked out.  Mercury is one of the side effects of the Bush administration’s stepped-down pollution enforcement standards.  It is also one of the side effects of using coal as a fuel. How will the mutant children of the future feel about those who looked the other way today?

Dangerous Food

Watch out for the milk, beef, chicken, fish, ham and essentially everything.  Many dairy farmers are paid by our government not to produce milk while others are allowed to use hormones that make the cows sick.  The pus is collected along with the milk and winds up in that fresh morning glass that so many Americans drink.  At the time of this writing, it is believed that six more cases of mad cow disease have popped up in New York State .  This writer doesn’t eat beef anymore.  The government is doing little to prevent problems with it.  Creekside Farms was prevented by the USDA from examining their own cows at their own expense for mad cow disease so these cows could be sold to Japan .  Apparently, it doesn’t make the cattle industry look good if cows are actually inspected. 

Young chickens are fed arsenic to protect against mites.  If they are slaughtered too young, guess who gets the arsenic on their dinner table? 

Pigs and hogs, as well as other animals, are fed all kinds of antibiotics, which causes humans to build up a resistance to life-saving antibiotics.  Thanks to the Bush administration, America is set to be wiped out by a plague.

Meat is full of pesticides.  Pesticides are poisons that are designed to kill pests.  These are being used extensively in feed.  Even the fish are getting them from the runoff.

Unless you are eating organic food, even vegetables and fruits may have dangerous pesticides, which can include arsenic and lead.  Then there is the danger of ground water contaminating the vegetables with some really nasty stuff.  Some places in America even have radioactive ground water.

Nuclear Disaster and Contamination

The Bush Administration wants to transport all kinds of dangerous nuclear material across country for its nuclear friends.  Apparently, they want to provide target practice for the terrorists.  But will the outrage be directed at terrorists or at the Bush administration if these shipments are attacked?  The Bush Administration plans to store these nuclear materials in an inactive VOLCANO in Nevada , not far from the Colorado River, the source of drinking water for much of Southern California .

Global Warming and the End of Life as We Know It

Bush pulled out of the Kyoto Treaty, designed to protect against global warming.  Why?  The Treaty wasn’t convenient for his polluting friends.  Even Tony Blair has acknowledged that the effects of global warming will happen in his lifetime.  Scientists are now talking about how the effects are speeding up.  It may not be long before The Day After Tomorrow becomes real life.  This is something that is already frightening my generation.  But do the voters care?  Will their children forgive them for the ice age?


The Bush administration has made it profitable for companies to outsource their jobs or set up entire plants in other countries.  While the Bush administration is interested in making sure other countries have plenty of low-wage jobs available, it has done nothing to help the job market in the United States .   In preparation for the last G-8 Conference in Georgia earlier this year, Bush made sure that security was prepared to kill American job seekers protesting this out-sourcing conference.  This is Bush’s definition of compassionate conservativism.

What is my generation supposed to do to earn a living?  Are we supposed to stand by the roadside and beg the other jobless people for handouts?  Of course, those who killed job prospects for my generation would probably just as soon my generation starved. What a loving society!  What great family values!


America traditionally ranks last in math and science and somewhere around last with respect to everything else.  What little education there is in the United States is much more expensive for my generation.  Important programs have been cut from schools.  Some elementary schools in upper middle class places like the Orange County ’s ( California ’s) Saddleback School District don’t even have books to loan to their students.  Parents of children who want to excel are strongly ENCOURAGED by GATE (Gifted And Talented Education program) teachers to homeschool.  The teachers and principals claim there is not enough money to teach gifted children at their own levels.  They need to fit in to the lower educational model, get drugged or leave.

College is unaffordable for most middle class students.  Often, if there is financial help, it is for parts of the poorest areas.  But most of those kids are still left behind and ALL of the middle class is left behind.  Apparently, the adults in our society think that if the kids are kept stupid and uneducated, we won’t know how to check to see what kind of values the adults really support with their ballots.  They are wrong.   The truth has a way of coming out, just as it did for the children of the Germans.


Imagine if a CEO took a 400 billion dollar profit and turned it into a 400 billion dollar debt.  How long would it take his company to fire him?   Perhaps the reason the right to an education has been taken away from my generation is that the adults don’t want us to do math.  Perhaps they don’t want us to know that the government has taken out a loan, using my generation’s future as security.  When they default, what happens to my generation?

Health Care

My parents talk about how good their health insurance used to be.  At least my family is still insured.  Millions are not. Families with insurance are having large out of pocket expenses because of higher deductibles and higher premiums while the insurance companies are making a fortune. 

Even worse, doctors and hospitals are getting away with providing substandard care for patients because of low malpractice limits.  For the elderly, finding a doctor who will care enough to do a competent job is a real trick.  The damages from killing an elderly patient are extremely low and often doctors will have no qualms about saying that they are giving sub-standard care to an elderly patient or even unnecessarily causing an elderly patient to die.  What’s the family to do?  They aren’t likely to collect anything from a lawsuit and the doctors and hospitals know this. My great aunt died of intentional sub-standard care after she contracted one of those hospital viruses. They were even encouraging the family to give them permission to kill her, explaining that she had had a long life and that the quality of life would be better if she were dead.   The family said “no” but couldn’t talk them into giving her the kind of quality care they would have given to a younger patient.   She had insurance in addition to Medicare.  She had gone in for something minor and would be alive today if she had never gone into the hospital.  The seniors are voting for better health care.  If the adults in the intermediate generation don’t, who will my generation blame for the consequences?  We like our grandparents and want them to live.  Bush wants to pass legislation making it more cost-effective for hospitals to get away killing patients of all ages.  Attorneys are your last defense and Bush wants to eliminate their ability to save your life.

Stem Cell Research

Too many children have conditions which could be cured with this research.  A great many of our heroes have conditions that require this research.  Thanks to videos, Chris Reeve is Superman to individuals in all generations who can afford to watch one. Those who didn’t stand up to Bush’s cruel stem cell research policies need to tell my generation why they let him die when, under a Gore administration, he would probably be alive and walking.  How many more will die if Bush is re-selected?  How many war heroes will have to remain paralyzed because of the Bush regime?

The Death of the U.S. Constitution

When the Supreme Court stopped the counting of ballots on December 12, 2000, they effectively told Americans that this was no longer a country where our leaders were chosen by the people.  It became a nation where our leaders were chosen for us.  With Republican corporations putting voting machines (in which the rigging code has already been found) into voting booths, it will take a miracle for the people’s voice to be heard in 2004.  If America learns of Kerry’s victory, we will all owe a lot of thanks to God.

With the mass detentions following 9/11 and the permanent detention (without trial) of American citizens, such as Padilla, the Constitutional right of habeas corpus seems to be dead.  Provisions of proposed additions to the Patriot Act would allow the government to strip natural born citizens of their citizenship and allow for executions without trials. FEMA created 600 detention camps under Reagan.  How many does it have now?  Will all potential protestors be the next victims of death camps?  Will these be followed by people who were dumb enough to vote for the guy who will put them there?

Wars Based On Lies

Bush took us to war based on lies.  Billions that Congress intended for the troops were given by Bush to private contractors (mostly Cheney’s Halliburton).  Republican contractors and hirees misplaced other billions.

The Bush administration is giving more pay and protection to contractors for Halliburton than to our servicemen, who are often sent on suicide missions without the proper protection. 

Over 1,l00 troops have died.  Thousands have been mutilated.  There is a back door draft of individuals who do not want to go to war but are being forced to do so.  Civilians, including babies and children, have been blown up in their beds.  Bush’s contempt for the people who serve in the military has been made obvious by his cuts in their benefits and by the sub-human housing Bush expects the military families to live in.  The housing in some places is making military children sick.  (Check out 

Servicemen who survive the war are still not out of danger.  A great many are contaminated with depleted uranium poisoning (Gulf War Syndrome), and too often their children are born deformed or die as a result of the radiation poisoning the fathers received.  What kind of person would vote for Bush after what Bush has done to American people and children and to people and children of the world?

Bush’s Rush to All-Out Nuclear War.

Instead of getting the world to dismantle nuclear weapons, Bush has started a new arms race with new nuclear weapons he appears to be ready to use.  In defense, other nations are joining the arms race.  Bush is the REASON North Korea and Iran are building nuclear weapons.  The end result of the Bush nuclear arms race could be all out nuclear war.  If that occurs, the deaths of all who will be killed in that war will be the responsibility of everyone who fails to vote against Bush.

America Is Now the Most Hated Nation on Earth

The world already views us as Americans viewed Nazi Germany.  My generation will be the ones who will have to apologize for the failure of the adults to stand up and stop the corporate imperialism in which our government is engaged.


This writer doesn’t even need to go into the fact that the reported hijackers were Saudis, not Afghanis or Iraqis.  This writer doesn’t need to go into the fact that, with knowledge of a supposedly impending terrorist attack in our country by bin Laden, the CIA met with bin Laden in the American hospital in Dubai in July, 2001 and then let him leave.  This writer will not go into how the Bush administration confiscated videos and evidence of what happened on 9/11 and suppressed the evidence from the public.  However, why did the Bush administration do its best to stop hearings on 9/11?  Why have they blocked the release of the CIA report on 9/11 until after the November 2nd election?  That’s something the reader will have to check out for himself or herself.   But this does lend itself to the question, “Why?”  If you want to do more research into the issue, you might check out the following sites: 



In church, I have learned that forgiveness is not for the benefit of the forgiven but rather for the benefit of the forgiver.  However, most children in America do not attend my church.  I suspect that, when they learn what the current adult generation is not telling them, most will have a lot of difficulty forgiving any parents who support or vote for the Bush administration.   It will be a lot easier for these children to forgive if they do not have to suffer through another four years.  Those four years will further endanger every life on Earth.

A great many children are awake now.  Kerry is winning polls among children, such as the one held by Nickelodeon.   Children cut classes to protest in the street against the Iraq war.  Most 18-year-old-voters will be voting for Kerry. 

It took a superior power to bring down Germany .  Let’s hope that the voters on November 2nd can save America and the planet by electing John Kerry.    If Kerry is elected, children will be able to grow up and have the opportunity to forgive.  If not, it may be up to God to forgive those who failed to oppose the Bush regime in the 2004 election.